Grove Road
The development replaces a tired dwelling in north Bristol with two striking new homes. A contemporary architectural style is used, together with modern methods of construction to create energy efficient homes.
The impact of the built mass is reduced by emphasising the rhythm of the roof form which relates to the sites topography and steep woodland backdrop. The fenestration patterns vary and help the building legibility.
Living areas have larger glazed panels, patios and timber brise soleil features; whilst private bedrooms areas will have ‘domestic’ details which respond appropriately to the surrounding context – namely through the use of slot windows with semi-obscure glazing and angled bay windows to mitigate overlooking.
The impact of the built mass is reduced by emphasising the rhythm of the roof form which relates to the sites topography and steep woodland backdrop. The fenestration patterns vary and help the building legibility.
Living areas have larger glazed panels, patios and timber brise soleil features; whilst private bedrooms areas will have ‘domestic’ details which respond appropriately to the surrounding context – namely through the use of slot windows with semi-obscure glazing and angled bay windows to mitigate overlooking.